Read on to find out if you should take Theraflu ExpressMax for your cold symptoms.

Read on to find out of Natrol Melatonin is for you.

Read on to see if Alteril Natural Sleep Aid is the best sleep aid for you.

Read on to see if Olly Sleep Gummies, or alternative melatonin supplements, are for you.

Embarrassed because your flatulence could clear a room? You might have excess gas (also known as intestinal gas).

Acetaminophen is a relatively safe and widely used over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever and fever reducer, but are you aware of it's potential risks?

Having trouble catching those z’s? Read on for 10 sleep tips for insomnia.

Influenza, or the flu, is a highly contagious virus that is easily spread via droplets in the air. Read on for 8 tips on how to stay health this flu season.

Try some of these natural remedies to soothe your cold symptoms—so you can feast, party, and spend quality time with your loved ones this holiday season.